Dress Codes And The Influence Of School Uniforms

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Schools all across the country will drop the dress code and place a school uniform. The reasons can be pretty simple like schools want to reduce bullying by taking out those social bonds, or they don’t want to deal with students breaking one of many dress codes. It sounds like a good idea in a perfect world, but it can cause a lot of damage. Your teenage years are when you are supposed to go through your self-expression stage. With school uniforms and can strict many students with that freedom. Everyone has a different body type and when you have a kid not fitting into the certain uniform; it can be a way to single out that individual.
The teenage years are for self-discovery. Many teens will go through many phases by dyeing their hair, getting
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Along with the newlyweds, the transgender is gaining the confidence to truly express themselves. With the transgender youth coming out school uniforms can bring complications to the process of their true gender identity. To have a transgender man being forced to wear skirts and tights is very demeaning to him. This shows that the school is not allowing him to be true to himself. On September 22, 2014 a group of Brazilian boys wore skirts to school after a transgender girl was disciplined and fined by the teachers for wearing the “incorrect” uniform. Maria Muniz was 17-years-old when she came out as a transgender at Sao Cristovao de Colegio Pedro II, and was disciplined by teacher for wearing a skirt to school instead of the boys pants. “I always turned up in trousers, but I felt repressed and for me wearing a skirt was about expressing my freedom over who I am inside and not how society sees me,” Muniz said. After her classmates figured out what had happened, they protested against the school by wearing skirts, and the school was forced to change their side. The school said that they would change the rules allowing for greater gender expression. “The current Student Code of Ethics will be overhauled with the participation of the whole community, including the active participation of students, who may suggest changes they deem necessary.” Kyler Sumter is a student …show more content…
A 2012 peer-reviewed study by researchers at the University of Nevada at Reno found that 90% of seventh and eighth grade public school students did not like wearing uniforms. These were probably because of many reasons: they were ugly, the fitting was uncomfortable, or it was unfair. When someone is out of place from everyone else, bullying can occur. American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada wrote in an article saying, “body shapes aren’t alike and when a uniform doesn’t fit a student properly because it only conforms to one body type, student will be embarrassed to go to school.” When you make something that can definitely single out someone problems will spring up. Schools are supposed to be a place of learning and making sure their students are getting the education they need from the books and their self-recognition. Students are taught to love themselves, but when you put someone who can’t fit into the uniform properly, you are teaching them to hate their body because it’s different from the others. Child and teen development specialist Robyn Silverman told NBC News' Today that students, especially girls, tend to compare how each other looks in their uniforms: "As a body image expert, I hear from students all the time that they feel it allows for a lot of comparisons... So if you have a body that’s a plus-size body, a curvier body, a very tall body, a very short body, those girls often feels that they