Erikson Nature Vs Nurture

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Pages: 3

The nature-nurture debate is a highly controversial dispute between whether biological or environmental factors have more influence on development. Many health implications and traits tend to come from genes and biological elements. Environmental components have more of a likely impact on development of concepts like morality and personal characteristics. But, there is one mental health concern that could be formed from both biological and environmental factors; anxiety. The research question, “Are higher amounts of demandingness in a parenting style associated with increased anxiety discovered in adolescence?”, is inquisitive about parents’ nurture and the impact that this environmental factor has on a child’s development of anxiety. During childhood, Erikson says that “if parents demand too much self-control, children experience excessive guilt,” (Berk, 2010) and “Inferiority develops when negative experiences at home, at school, or with peers lead to feelings of incompetence,” (Berk, 2010). …show more content…
A study was done that shows that the degree of anxiety one experiences is largely related to inherited tendencies, but at a certain time or point in life environment can cause the amount of anxiety rather than the inherited tendency (Legrand & McGue, 1999). This research is the driving force behind the previously stated research question. What if the environmental factors like parenting affect the probably of an adolescent developing anxiety from his or her childhood more than or equal to inherited factors. What if the impact of parenting is so great during childhood that the anxiety develops dependently on parenting instead of