Essay On Criminal Profiling

Words: 475
Pages: 2

1. Introduction
a. Hook the Audience (Explain the Problem)
Criminal profiling, first undertaken within the nineteen-seventies, has been used throughout thousands of police investigations from bureaus all over the globe, currently some question their practicality in investigations.
b. Deliver Firm/ express Claim
This Essay argues the utility of offender profiling in police investigations.
c. Essay set up (What are the most arguments/grounds that may be covered?)
Narrows the field of Investigation for law enforcement by geolocation.
Offender Profiles need no physical description to begin investigations.
Using Victimology to predict any actions of the bad person

2. Grounds 1: Narrows the field of investigation for law enforcement by geolocation.
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Reason/Evidence: The four different approaches of criminal profiling can be used for this purport nonetheless. These approaches include geographical, investigatory psychology, typological and clinical, which have all proved their utility within the past. Specifically geographical identification is a system that evaluates the locations of connected malefactions that assists to determine the most probable area of the offender’s residence ("Geographic Profiling", 2017). Geographical identification can be used as the substrate for many investigatory methods, a number of the additional typical methods include suspect and tip prioritization, canvasses and searches even mass dna screening prioritizing ergo narrowing the field of investigation (Harries, 1999).
b. Warrant: Geographical profiling isn’t the foremost common type of profiling however acknowledged to be one of the foremost effective forms for narrowing investigations.
c. any Reason/Evidence: Geographical profiling avails to manage the degree of data usually engendered in major malefaction investigations (Rossmo, 2017).
d. Warrant: The case of the M25 rapist shows the utility of those profiles to police