Essay On Mexico Religion

Words: 547
Pages: 3

Mexico is located in Central America where it holds a population of over 123 Million people. Mexico gained its independence from Spain on October 4th, 1824. As for the religion of the country of Mexico, no specific religion is mandatory to practice but the most common religion is Roman Catholic. The country does not have a specific state religion, but Mexico classifies as 83 percent Roman Catholic, and 5 percent represent as Evangelical Protestant. More than 2 percent of the population reports practicing a religion not otherwise specified, and nearly 5 percent report not practicing any religion. The government’s policy regarding religion states that all citizens have the right to practice any religion with the power of freedom of religion. The constitution says all persons are free to profess their chosen religious beliefs and to engage in ceremonies and acts of worship that do not constitute a crime or offense punishable by law. The policy states that religious groups may not own or administer radio or television stations. Government permission is required for commercial radio or television to transmit religious programming. …show more content…
This is clearly the majority of religion for the country of Mexico. The minority religions include people who do not practice a specific religion and some people do not practice any religion at all. All the religious groups interact with one another both friendly and unfriendly. There were issues in the past with individuals targeting priests. The Catholic Multimedia Center (CMC) reported priests and other religious leaders in some parts of constantly being targeted and subjected to extortion, death threats, and intimidation by criminal groups. There were multiple reports of priests who were kidnapped and killed. The CMC reported in early December that seven priests were killed during the