Essay Why Did The Industrial Revolution Start In England

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Pages: 3

Imagine waking up, getting told you are moving into a house in the city with five other families. The reason? The Industrial Revolution. Your family needs money, and the only place there was a job was in the city. England was extremely short on housing so you will now be sharing a house made for two families with six families. Now the real question is, is why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? The Industrial Revolution began in England because of land, labor, and capitol.
In order to prosper, land is a necessity. In the beginning, every community began with the simplest ideas of life. They lived with the bare minimum, prospering off the land. But in order to prosper off the land, there needs to be an abundanat amount of natural
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With these individuals, you get numerous life changing inventions that not only change your society, but life as a whole. Systematic thought lay behind most of the innovations in industrial practice. Invention only thrives when a division of labor has developed... does it come to harvest. The stream of English scientific thought was one of the main tributaries of the industrial revolution.(Doc 5) Often times, these inventions would piggy-back off eachother. One thing would be invented to make that task easier, then another would closely follow to trump the past invention. Like document 6 decsribes: John Kay invented the flying shuttle which increased the speed of weaving. Then James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny which spun 8-10 threads at a time Following that, Richard Arkwright invented the water frame which was a large spinning machine in the factory that was driven by water. Edmund Cartwright then invented the power look which was a water powered loom that automatically wove thread into cloth. Rounding out this circle of inventions, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which seperated seed from raw