Estimated Use Of Water In The United States

Words: 503
Pages: 3

Pei-Chi Wang

People use water for different kind of purposes, such as daily supply and agricultural use. I believe that if we do not care about how people use water in agricultural practice more, it will result in a terrible outcome. Based on the reading, Estimated Use of Water in The United Sates in 2005, the data shows that people use 128,000 million gallons of water per day in irrigation. It is about 31% of overall in the United States. I believe that agricultural practice have a strong connection with water sustainability. If we do not pay attention to it, it will end up with ecosystem collapse.
There are two reasons that we have to focus on our attention on agricultural practices when we concerned with water
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According to Gleick’s criteria for water planning, there are two criteria which I believe is important to water sustainability. The first statement is “a basic water requirement will be guaranteed to restore and maintain the health of ecosystem,” is the most important one and we need to work on. I regard that the statement is important for a reason. I assume that a HEALTH of ecosystem can restore and maintain water naturally, but the fact is that we cannot let the nature do it for us. For example, the duty of dams in Turkey is not only to save water but also to produce electricity. However, some of dams cannot afford the overuse. Some of dams started to decrease the amount of the restore water. Another example is Aswan Dam in Egypt. Aswan dam is facing the same problem. Egyptian relies on Aswan dam a lot. They use the dam to irrigation and produce electricity. And, the dam is almost collapse. Thus, I believe that to maintain a health ecosystem is the first thing to maintain water sustainability. The other criteria is “Human action will not impair the long-term renewability of freshwater stocks of flows.” People overuse the water from nature, and there is chart [Global water use projection] shows that we are using too much water since 1990. The amount of water we use cut down the minimum need of ecosystem which means environment cannot provide the minimum needs to itself. It will harm and crash our ecosystem. Plus, the environmental diversity would be affect because of water