Examples Of Contrapasso In Dante's Inferno

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Contrapasso is one of the few rules in Dante’s Inferno. The level that best represents contrapasso is level 2 “ The Lustful” because this level deals with Minos the judge and the sinners who confess their sins. For example,
“He has a long tail, and after he hears a sinner confess his or her sins he wraps his tail around himself to indicate in which circle of hell the sinner will be punished” and “ If Minos wraps his tail around himself 3 times, the sinner will eternally be punished in circle 3”. These 2 quotes explain how it fits the crime because whether the crime is big or small they will get the right punishment. In addition, level 3 “ The Gluttons “ this particular sin does fall into this level because this level deals with Cerberus