Examples Of External Conflict In The Crucible

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Pages: 3

“The Crucible” was composed in the 1950’s. The play is about the Salem witch trials and the injustice they brought. There are many conflicts in the play, but the biggest is the conflict between John Proctor and Abigail. The conflict occurs when John Proctor has an affair with
Abigail. This is an example of external conflict within The Crucible, it would be person VS.
When Elizabeth finds out about the affair she immediately fires Abigail and tells the town that she was not doing a good enough job. Elizabeth Proctor is furious with her husband, Even though John swears that he will never touch Abigail again. Elizabeth cannot find a way to forgive him or Abigail which this starts to drive them apart. The best example of this is in Act
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She accuses him of taking her innocence, and plays on the fact that he still thinks of her from time to time. Abigail desperately wants to be with John
Proctor. She starts to make false accusations and tells the town Elizabeth is a witch to try to get her in jail so she can be with John. Act 2 page 170 “she wants me dead, John, you know it!”

Elizabeth then tells John to go to Abigail, call her a whore and tell her that they will never hook up again.
Proctor is angered by Abigail's plan so he reveals his affair with Abigail in court. John brings
Mary Warren to court so that she can testify against Abigail. Mary confesses that she and the other girls lied about seeing spirits but they don't believe her when she can't make herself faint like she claims she can. Abigail turns the tables on them, Mary Warren gets scared so she starts to claim John made her sign the devil's book. John plays along with this and is arrested as a witch. Act 3 page 198 “A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face!”
Abigail's plan backfires when John is the one who ends up getting sent to jail. John can either sign a confession or be hung with the others for being a witch. The only problem is that once