Family Team Meeting

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Pages: 3

[Child and Family Team Meeting]

*QP met face to face with Alex, Alex’s mother, CPS social worker, foster mother and IIH team members. *QP provided the purpose of this session, which was to conduct a CFT. *QP reviewed Alex’s goals to discuss his progress and address any barriers hindering his progress. *QP determined how Alex has a stable appetite. *QP inquired about Alex’s sleep pattern. *QP explored a plan to implement about the cellphone. *QP actively listened as Alex’s foster mother informed the team hygiene is an issue. *QP reflected on Alex’s 1 positive UDS. *QP discussed with the team Alex being manipulative. *QP allowed Alex’s foster mother to provide feedback about Alex’s PE class. *QP gathered information on where Alex’s mother is
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Alex has not participate in a self-injurious behaviors. Alex is having difficulty with keeping up with his hygiene. Alex's foster mother shared, "Alex was going days without showering and we have to stay on him about brushing his teeth." Alex's mother and foster mother agreed that Alex will turn in his phone at the end of the night to before going to bed to reduce the stimulation from the phone. QP has assessed Alex has made slight progress with stabilizing his mood, as indicated by no evidence of self-injurious behaviors; however, Alex is struggling with sleep and doesn't maintain good hygiene …show more content…
Alex's PE teacher has agreed Alex will not lose points for not dressing out as well as offered Alex a private bathroom to dress out if needed. Alex is passing most of his classes. Alex shared, "He only got suspended off the bus for standing up." The team discussed Alex being manipulative towards different members on the team to get what he wants. Alex has had 1 positive drug screen for marijuana. The team informed Alex we function as one unit to ensure he is successful with accomplishing his goals and learning skills that he will be able to take home and be successful. QP has assessed Alex has made slight progress with improving his academic performance, as indicated by passing most of his drug screens and improving his grade in PE.

Goal 3: Alex will work toward reunification with his