Gang Related Gangs

Words: 1892
Pages: 8

Chapter one will focus on presenting the topic: Significant factors that influence gang related youth to extend their education. In addition, this chapter will explain the purpose of this study and why this topic should be taken into consideration. The study will observe what influences played a role in a young person’s life that caused this youth to go against the social expectation of being a marginalized population such as gang members, to extending their education and go against the norm of being a high school dropout. Los Angeles County is known to be the gang capital of the United States (LAPD, 2017). Individuals make the decision to become an active gang member for several reasons. Several social factors are the cause that drives young …show more content…
These individuals were able to accomplish something that appears to be tough to do especially in the city of Los Angeles due to the high gang rates. What significant factors influenced gang related youth to extend their education? It is important to identify the factors that encouraged young people to extend their education because this allows professionals to use those factors on other young people that are also considering furthering their education but might find themselves at a disadvantage due to their gang affiliated background. The young people today are our leaders of tomorrow. Finding ways to motivate gang related youth to extend their education could change the negative views against this society.
There is a need for research in this specific topic since not much research has been made in regards to positive influences towards gang related youth and their education. It is important to keep in mind the factors that draw gang youth away from completing their education, nonetheless, research that focuses on the positive factors that lead gang related youth to extend their education should also be executed. After identifying those factors, then we can implement them towards other gang youth in hope that they too continue to work on their
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School social work is a profession that is growing rapidly (Kelly et al., 2010), which is why this study is appropriate for the social work profession. School based social workers, especially those working with adolescence, are likely to work with youth that have similar backgrounds as those participating in this study. A previous study showed that one student did not think about the idea of attending college after high school because no school staff member ever took the time to have a conversation with him about going college (Reyes, 2006). School staff should not disinvest in promoting education after high school. Results from this study will assist school social workers work with young people that are gang affiliated to ensure a positive educational experience. At times, school and college counselors do not provide necessary information to the youth they serve due to their busy schedules and dealing with other school situations (Huerta, 2015). This is when school social workers can take initiative and work with youth in regards to that