Health And Social Care Practitioner: A Case Study

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Pages: 5

The law requires each and every employer should ensure that their staffs have the right qualifications, (Skills For Care, et al, 2015) “skills and experience for the work they do”. Especially in the health sector where staff are required to provide patients with their personal care. This assignment will explore and identify three key skills or attributes that are needed to be an effective Health and Social Care practitioner.

Skills are defined as the ability to do well in a particular area, for example, communications skills, listening skills and organisational skills. It is the ability to be able to execute information or task by applying these abilities. Expounding on communication. This is a wide area however I would like to focus on effective communication skills. This involves exchange of information it can either be verbal or non-verbal. In our daily basis tasks we use both of these forms. For example, if you are working in a nursing home and one of the patients does not have the ability to communicate verbal one will use specific gestures suitable for that individual. Such as, people who have a hearing impairment. (Trevithick, 2012,p.154) “Communication skills are more essential you need to be effective communicator, fluent, efficient and be able to pass correctly information.” In this particular role as an S C P it is a must that one
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The benefit of having this particular skill is that, effective communication bridges oneness in the team, whereas, if staff do not communicate to each other, it damages the reputation of the company or patients lose confidence in the staff or organisation, for example in cases where vital information to other departments or members of staff, for example, during hand over sessions. Effective communication is not a one-way format; it’s a two-way format, especial when you are dealing with patients with