Health Assessment

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Pages: 4

Reflection of Health Assessment
Program and Course Goal Attainment
The World Health Organization (WHO) explained health promotion as the method of assisting people to increase control over and improve their health (n. d.). The health is the balance between physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being to try to sustain a healthy lifestyle by developing and promoting choices that may help to take a good quality of life. Good health allows communities to achieve their broad potential, manage with the stresses of life, work productively, and produce influence on their communities across the lifespan. The perception of best health in individual, families, and diverse communities involves not simply the absence of disease, but also direct a
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This Health Assessment class displays deep analysis of factors such as nutrition, sleep, exercises, and stress that could negatively affect our population well-being and increase chronic disease risk: obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, and stroke. Additionally, the complex issues surrounding Substance Use Disorders have been recognized with a higher probability of risk behavior (e. g., alcohol and drug use) and family violence. Throughout consistent cultural competence nursing recognized the risk factor modification and healthy life style promotion recognized sensitivity to age, gender, culture, health disparities, socioeconomic status, and spirituality. Nurses can be promoters for health promotion and diseases prevention for population once there is an understanding the definition of health. It can change from individual to individual and what one person might believe healthy another might consider being average or disagree. Health assessment is an answer building block in understanding of process from an individual to whole family health using self-reflection. Our population education needs to be influenced and reinforced by nursing leadership and …show more content…
Nurse manifestation maintained high competence, values, approach, wisdom, and behaviors into nursing practices to advance healthy lifestyle in each family, from youngest to eldest maintaining. The health assessment is necessary for every resident when providing health care services. How nurses assess, plan, implement, and evaluate care of residents from different cultural backgrounds signify community or public health and their well-being. Based on the appropriate data sources, cultural-specific caring beliefs and behaviors helps to coordinate culturally competent care in communities that promote the accomplishment of safe and quality care for different populations.
Many challenges influence the general health of people. The people education and support of nursing allowed their roles of illnesses prevention and involved in life healthy routines. Cultural competence has become an important matter of health care delivery in community. Developing an understanding of the correlates of cultural values, beliefs, lifestyle, bias, and prejudices are another important viewpoint. Cultural awareness, knowledge, skills, and encounter concepts were demonstrated throughout this class and are principal in cultural