How Did Alexander Hamilton Influence Slavery

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Pages: 3

Alexander Hamilton was one of our first founding fathers creating , the a national bank even though he was not a native to the United States. Hamilton had a troubled past which shaped his views on political issues such as slavery Hamilton was not allowed to own slaves with being illegitimate this was a downfall, He was not allowed to inherit slaves this most likely influenced his view on slavery. Another factor that influenced Hamilton's view on slavery was how he was raised with a single house slave, which he set free before his mother and father left his life. Alexander Hamilton was generally considered a good person, the most prominent example of this is where he assisted in the Foundation of Promotion Of Manumission Of Slaves in New York. This was a society where they lobbied and pushed for the freedom of enslaved african americans. Hamilton was not an abolitionist by choice per say but he more or less went along with the abolition of slavery to boast his social status. Hamilton was also considered a good person because of his humble beginnings such as working as a clerk for his local trading firm he managed to build up the business and then use that money to fund the Foundation of Promotion of Manumission of Slaves in New York. …show more content…
Hamilton was motivated to bring enslaved people to freedom was his childhood experience with being an outcast. Hamilton had grew up with his dad leaving him and his mother passing away at an early age. This made Hamilton sympathise with the slaves after Hamilton going through these hardships he had felt what it was like to lose both of your parents. This is what many slaves had to go through they had their families split apart by their