How Did Christianity Influence European Religion

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Pages: 2

The main religious group in which dominated almost everywhere in Europe was Christianity. It flourished between the 1000 through 1300, many Christian groups did many things for the community at that time. They put our crusades against the middle east, help rise the Europe urban centers, building universities, and constructed beautiful massive cathedrals. The main Christian group that control almost all of the Christendom was the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church controlled many nations and shaped culture and values of all of the European nations. The Catholic church even set of what was morally right and what was morally wrong by saying what was sin and what will cause salvations for everyone. They even inspired many writings and paintings about Christianity. …show more content…
They use the idea of sacraments, meaning a set of acts that impart grace. The Catholic Church promise their salvation if they follow the sacraments, they grant them eternal life in the next world and forgiving their souls for all of their sins that the people have committed. There are seven different sacraments and each of them are equally important. The first sacrament is baptism; it is used to purify your body from the original sin. The second sacrament is conformation which is allows full church privileges. Then it is ordination, in which involves the clergy and priestly authority. Matrimony is another sacrament, that is the union of man and woman. The last two is penance and Eucharist. Penance is saying sorry to your sins and Eucharist is the joining of humans and god by the body and blood of Jesus. All of these sacraments promise people the ability to go to