How Did George Killed Lennie

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Pages: 1

In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Gorge should have killed Lennie because he killed curry’s wife and killed a poor little puppy. Lennie said this quote when he killed his puppy by smacking it on the nose. “Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce you hard”. Lennie killed the dog because he did not know that hitting the dog on the noise would kill it. Gorge should have killed lennie because he might kill somebody else or something else. If George finds out that Lennie killed his puppy George is not going to let him tend the rabbits because he killed an incent. “George ain’t gonna let me tend no rabbits if he fineds out you got killed” (Steinbeck 85). This Quote explains that Lennie can not be trusted tending