How Did Jefferson Write The First Draft Of The Declaration Of Independence

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Pages: 4

“Father of the Declaration of Independence, Man of the People, The Pen of the Revolution,” Thomas Jefferson was an extremely successful man that accomplished a lot of things during the time he was alive. Thomas Jefferson is known for writing the draft of the Declaration of Independence, becoming the first secretary of state, second vice president, and third president. Jefferson is also responsible for the purchase of the Louisiana Purchase. Thomas Jefferson was born into one of the well known families of Virginia’s planters elites, on April 13, 1743. Jefferson was born near a town known as Charlottesville, on the planation known as Shadwell. His was a descendent from English and Scottish royalty. While his father was an intelligent man known …show more content…
Jefferson was first elected in 1768 to the Virginia House of Burgesses and joined their radical party led by George Washington and Patrick Henry. From there Jefferson wrote his first political works in 1774, and then in 1775 he attended the Second Continental Congress. In 1776, a panel of five men, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston, were appointed by the Congress to write a draft of the Declaration of Independence. The panel chose Jefferson to write the first draft of the declaration. Jefferson was chosen for his intelligence and his ability to write. Jefferson wrote the draft in seventeen days, known as the most powerful and magnificent demonstration to life, liberty and equality in world history. He wrote the declaration by first stating the natural rights that all humans deserve and then stated resolutions and specific details against King George the third, that removed America completely from the rule of Great Britain. After revisions and editing the Declaration of Independence, they kept Thomas original beginning stating humans natural rights, it was adopted July 4,