How To Write A Summary Of The 1920's America

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Pages: 2

The 1920’s America starts out in a gigantic wave of new stimulating culture and a huge economic upswing (Taniguchi, 2004). For example, every front of the market was growing, farming, mining, and cattle industry. Even the creation new inventions provided new exciting cultures that were creating new markets, such as, movies, and affordable automobiles. Which both provided a new economy and culture for the American people. Furthermore, World War I had torn the European countries and industries apart and they had to turn to America to for support. By the same token the Federal government while still catching up on the Progressive Era had even a greater ambition by exploring the foreign markets of the world. For example, America still held a huge interest in the Philippines, Indonesia, and other areas of southeast Asia (Gouda, & Zaalberg, 2002). While America was in the beginning stages of being a super power and protector of the world some issues at home were neglected. …show more content…
The start of the Great Depression which is referenced as Black Tuesday was October 29, 1929. The Great Depression was an event that was felt not only in the United States, but across the world (Calomiris, 1993). The United States unemployment reached an all time high of 25% and families were forced to live in the streets. American’s were negligent in the cause of the Great Depression we also Elected a President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had the charisma and fortitude to attempt a financial recovery, but for all his will and effort did a substandard job in the long run (Vedder, Gallaway, & Bronfenbrenner, 1997). What actually boosted America from the Great Depression was World War II. This culture and government of America throughout these decades appear to go in full circle of the worst of times, to the best of times, and then back to the worst of