Is College Worth It?

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Pages: 4

Is college actually worth it? What exactly the purpose for college? The purpose for college vary from person to person some want to obtain more knowledge and for some is to obtain the skills needed for their careers that they want. Ultimately going to college is a choice depending on one's purpose. According to the text, " The Case Against College" by Linda Lee college is not the only way a higher paying job and she proves her point using statistical information. However in the text "What Is College For?" By Gary Gutting college is about entering into a world of intellectual culture. Lee makes a valid point because college is not the only way to obtain a higher and better paying job. Gutting's claim about college is unrealistic for many …show more content…
Lee writes, "Here who belong in college: the high-achieving students who is interested in learning for learning sakes, those who intend to become a school teacher, and those young people who seem certain to go to advanced degrees..." (Lee,670). Lee feels that college is not meant for everyone and it may be the reason she thinks that college is a waste a time for the youth because she believes that everyone is going and it not worth it. However, college at times can be worth it depending if you choose to go to college. Leonhardt writes, "...skeptics sometimes rely that colleges are mostly a way station for smart people. But that’s not right either"(Leonhardt,647).College is really meant for anyone and the ultimate goal for anyone going to college is to earn a higher and better paying job. Therefore, Lee makes a controversial statement that makes college seem restricted to certain groups of people and college is for everyone but it one's own personal …show more content…
Gutting's view is unrealistic for some college is viewed as college as a way to obtain a college education. Gutting says, "...the raison d’être of a college is to nourish a world of intellectual culture; that is, a world of ideas, dedicated to what we can know scientifically, understand humanistically, or express artistically"(Gutting,628). Gutting view of college is that college is for students to be more interested in obtaining more knowledge. In the text "Purpose of College Education " by Russell Heimlich is is written that: "Just under half of the public (47%) says the main purpose of a college education is to teach work-related skills and knowledge. Another 39%, however, says that college is an opportunity for students to grow personally and intellectually." We see that many view college as a chance to obtain skills for the careers one wants to get into and about 47% of people agreed to that. Therefore, Gutting philosophical is unrealistic because college for some is supposed to teach them the skills they need for a better paying