John Winthrop's Beliefs

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Pages: 11

The way that John Winthrop lived his life could describe him as a “medieval man”. John Winthrop lived his life on a manor and and was surrounded by the servants and tenants. Also when it came time for marriage they exchanged property and the parents would arrange the marriage for the children. Also John Winthrop had a connection with god and believed that he should accept and love everything that was given to him by god. John Winthrop’s education had an impact on his life and responsibilities in it. Since he had such a close relationship with god he was rule follower for much of his life. “He resolved to give up shooting… for one thing, he said, it was against the law”(Morgan).He was dedicated to his life and the responsibilities he had …show more content…
Charles the First threatened the survival of parliament with his rule as king, he raised taxes and married a catholic princess and he promoted a religious doctrine that the puritans did not like. Parliament began to crumble and with no parliament the puritans would have no way of enforcing god's will. With Charles in power the Anglican Churches established by Elizabeth supported the views of the puritans but those churches became overrun with what the puritans called Arminianism. The churches became more “wicked” to the puritans and their hopes weaken and they felt that the only way to survive this was to leave England altogether and move to the New …show more content…
People would be free of fines and heriots and wardships. This was good for the PUritans in many ways. First off it gave them more rights and freedoms in america. Now they could do more things with the protection from the Body of Liberties. Most of all it would protect them from the same things they fled England for. So now they were more protected in England. Another thing is that they had more rights to their lands, more they did in England because of the House of Commons. Most importantly these laws seemed to follows the laws of God which is very important for the Puritans so this made them