Kids Playing Too Many Sports Research Paper

Words: 814
Pages: 4

For many years, competitive sports have been a big part of kids’ life. However, are the kids playing too many sports? As studies show, an exceptional amount of kids get injured playing too many sports, and their parents push them to be the best, which makes the kids overuse their abilities, and hurt themselves. Also, the kids who spend a lot of time on sports do very poorly on schoolwork, which makes them miss out on important life lessons from school.

Kids who play too many sports have their parents push them too play their best, which makes them overuse themselves and burn themselves out. The kids who play a variety of sports at the same time overuse their body and they do not want to play that sport again because they were burned out
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One study shows that the kids who play one sport do astronomically better in school than the kids who play multiple sports. True, if you have only one sport instead of multiple sports then it can be good for you, but if you do that, then you will have to play that sport in its season and in the offseason for practice. In school, the kids who play multiple sports will not have enough time to do their homework after school, when they get home, they will have to go to practice for their sport. In turn, this makes them not do their homework or cram it at night, which makes them fall asleep late and be very tired for school in the morning. One sport can be good if it is played in moderation and not played in the offseason to have more free time to do homework, but too many sports hurts kids in their schoolwork as well as growth and …show more content…
In one study that was done on hospitals across the United States, it showed that 40% of the people rushed to the Emergency Room were kids who play sports between the ages of 5 to 15. Now, some people might say “big deal”, but it is really a big deal. Just ponder about it; 4 out of 10 kids who play competitive are rushed to the ER. That is 40% of the kids in the world. That is a lot of kids. Also, when parents push their kid to be the best, they end up doing worse later on (if they do not get injured) if they spend all of their energy on, let’s say, the first half of a football game. When kids push themselves to do better than their best, if often has results of injuries or they tire easily in the long run from spending too much of their energy on sports. Parents also want their kid to spend way too much time on sports, and then they have pressure on themselves to try on their sports as hard as they can. This is bad for younger kids in between the ages of 5 to 15 because a lot of them already get sent to the ER for sports related injuries, but if more students and young kids push themselves to play harder than their body can, more and more people will get injured from