Lion Research Papers

Words: 1212
Pages: 5

One might think being the king of the jungle is easy work, but it certainly isn't. God blessed lions with many great characteristics and strengths. Many people don't quite grasp how magnificent lions really are. In order to understand the significance of lions, one must understand lions’ life cycles, habitats, and behaviors.
A lion has been a big and mighty symbol of majesty and might for a very long time. Centuries ago the world flourished with lions. There were once a vast number of lions roaming the world. Now the numbers of lions are nothing compared to what they used to be. Over the past two decades there has been a drastic decline of the population of lions on this earth. About 30% to 50% of the numbers of lions have vanished
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Because of their wondrous strength and breathtaking beauty, lions have been nicknamed “King of the Beasts” (Pauling). This nickname has stuck with this species for centuries. The lion is a mammal and they are the second biggest cat after the tiger. Although the tiger is bigger than the lion, lions are the tallest of all cats. God has also blessed lions with the ability to defend themselves, as lions have very scary 3.1 inch canine teeth. Lions are the only big cat with a unique, adorable tuffed tail. Females and males are easily able to distinguish as most males have a great big mane. The mane size on a male lion shows how much testosterone that certain lion has. Just as God blessed the lion with awesome beauty, he also blessed them with being very …show more content…
Although, it is helpful for lions to live near water, as there is a much wider prey selection, it doesn't necessarily matter to the lions. Lions are called “The King of the Jungle” (Bobbie and Bishop) quite often, but that statement isn't entirely true. Lions are not usually found to be living in jungles. The main four places lions are found to be inhabited in are: savannahs, grasslands, dense bushes, and woodlands in Southern and Eastern Africa. In the places they live, they sleep under shady trees. All four of those places provide food and