List of Infectious Disease Essay

Submitted By whixson
Words: 975
Pages: 4

Hazards: the state of events which has the potential to threaten the surrounding natural environment and affect people's health
Physical: noise, lightning, vibration, temperature
Chemical: acids, metals, pesticides, air pollutants
Biological: bacteria, viruses, animals, insects
Cultural: eat too much, drive too fast Rotavirus: how it’s spread it is present in an infected person's stool. It spreads through hand­to­mouth contact. If you have rotavirus and you don't wash your hands after using the toilet, the virus can spread to anything you touch like food, toys and utensils. symptoms severe or bloody diarrhea fever vomiting for three or more hours dehydration Salmonella: causes raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs, imported fruits or veggies could cause salmonella symptoms nausea diarrhea headache blood in the stool abdominal cramping vomiting E. Coli: causes contaminated food (ground beef, unpasteurized milk, fresh produce), contaminated water
(human and animal feces may pollute ground and surface water), or personal contact (it spreads easily from person to person) symptoms diarrhea abdominal pain and cramping nausea and vomiting

Tuberculosis: causes caused by bacteria that spread from person to person through microscopic droplets released into the air. It can happen when someone with tuberculosis coughs, speaks, sneezes, spits, laughs or sings. symptoms fever loss of appetite fatigue unintentional weight loss chest pain coughing that lasts up to a few weeks malaria: how it spreads uninfected mosquito gets the disease from feeding on a person with malaria→ the mosquito can transmit malaria parasites to you→ parasites move to the liver→ they mature and infect red blood cells→ cycle repeats in others symptoms chills high fever profuse sweating headache Aids: causes people affected with HIV have a low count of CD4 white blood cells and when this number falls below 200, they experience AIDS complications symptoms night sweats blurred/distorted vision chronic diarrhea weight loss Tetanus: causes Clostridium tetani is a bacteria found in soil, dust, and animal feces… when they enter a deep flesh wound, the bacteria spores produce a toxin that impairs motor neurons which causes muscle stiffness and spasms (sign of tetanus) symptoms spasms in jaw muscles stiffness of neck muscles elevated blood pressure

Meningitis: how it spreads a type of bacteria enters the bloodstream and migrates to the brain and spinal cord symptoms seizures sudden high fever sensitivity to light lack of interest in eating or drinking HEPATITIS: causes heavy drinking, over­the­counter pain relievers, prescription medications, herbs and supplements, industrial chemicals, or when your liver develops inflammation because of exposure to a toxic substance symptoms yellowing of the skin/whites of the eyes abdominal pain loss of appetite dark­colored urine Schistosomiasis: causes a parasitic infection that damages the liver, lungs, intestines, and bladder… it is a cause of another disease known as Esophageal varices symptoms vomiting blood black or bloody stools shock (in some cases) Carcinogens: a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue 1. Lack safe drinking water
2. Contamination of food and water due to inadequate hygiene/inferior sewage treatment
3. General lack of resources needed to build effective public­health related infrastructure
4. Climate that carries diseases
5. No one to care for them
6. No medicines Poverty is a coherent explanation with the reasons for malnutrition. Households living on less than $1 per day show the highest prevalence of underweight children in America.

1. hazard: anything that can cause injury, disease, or death to humans, damage to property, or degradation of the environment risk: the probability of suffering injury, disease, death, or some other loss as a result of exposure to