Lord Of The Flies Piggy's Death

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Pages: 3

Piggy on the other hand was one of those characters who suffered more from beginning till the end of his life. Through different critical situations he passed and he did not allowed evil to emerge in him. He endured the tyranny of Jack and his hunters. When Ralph came to know that they had missed an opportunity of getting rescue through a ship, he scolded Jack for his ignoring to burn a fire. Piggy joined Ralph in scolding Jack, he attacked Piggy and it resulted in breaking one of Piggy’s spectacles and in he said “now I got to have one eye” (Golding). Latter Jack and his savages raid Ralph’s hut and snatch away Piggy’s spectacles thus Piggy almost remained blind. Jack’s treatment of Piggy shows him to be the cruellest boy. But Piggy remained harmless; nobody has got any trouble from him. At the very end of his life he was talking about civility …show more content…
And Roger kills piggy by releasing a rock from above, Jack and his Hunters does not feel the least regret over piggy’s death.
Marlow is a sign and representation of civilization, order and law in Heart of Darkness as were Ralph and Piggy in Lord of the Flies. He often recognises the European dehumanization of the Africans. As Marlow arrived in the outer station of the company he saw a "scene of inhabited devastation"(shamsher gondal, et al). Further he saw a chain gang of starved animal like Africans. He thought that the gang may be a group of criminals and therefore they are