Monomyth In A Hero's Journey

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Pages: 2

Most adventures and Actions films contains a pattern a leading hero that has a purpose to be fulfill and save the day. The leading hero learns their purpose, achieve their goals and surpasses obstacles or challenges to come with a good resolution at the end. This is a brief description of monomyth. Monomyth is a recurrent and a unique quest that the mythical hero is carry on to do. Usually is the main character of the film or stories. Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) in his book (The Hero with a Thousand Faces) he described the patterns that are in stories with hero’s journey. There are three phases of the hero’s journey: first stage is the Departure, second phase is the Initiation and final the third phase is the Return (Stein, p52). One …show more content…
Classified as remote childhood -first Stage departure of his journey. Abandoned by his parents never knew why and questioning his identity. Until he uncovered some enigmatic studies that his father left behind in his old suitcase. This fits into the second phase as initiation (called to adventure) the learning of the truth of Peter’s parents before they died and who he is. Visiting at Oscorp he gets bite by a spider where he gets super powers (given amulet) into the changes of spider abilities like (physical transportation out of previous life) He learn how to use it and adjust to it. This encourages him to find Peter’s dad former partner Dr. Connor for more answers which is classified as the introduction of the helper) and Parker gives the last piece of the puzzle to grow limbs to Dr. Connor unknowing the reason why was hidden the secret. The third phase (return) Peter Parker loses his uncle his uncle gets mugged and shot. Goes try to find the uncle’s killer for revenge. Peter Parker learns he did a mistake on sharing with Dr. Connor the code. Connor developed this aggressive hybrid lizard/man to himself by injecting lizard DNA; because growing human limbs was unsuccessful. Gwen Stacy the girl at high school which he has a crush on her (companion in his