My Brother Sam Is Dead Quotes

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Pages: 4

My Brother Sam is Dead In war, there is no such thing as peace. War is a terrible thing to resort too. When there are many options besides war. Throughout the book there are many pieces of evidence that show the negatives associated with war. In the book Tim is the main character. He shows the reader through his thoughts that war is a horrendous thing. In the book My Brother Sam Is Dead, authors James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, argue that war is a futile and unnecessary event. In the book the authors demonstrate that war is bad by showing that war tears families apart. An example of this is expressed by Mr. Meeker when he says, “Go, Sam. Go. Get out of my sight. I can not bear to look at you anymore in that vile costume. Get out. And don’t come back until you come dressed up as my son, not as a stranger.” (22) This quote shows that the war is making people so mad at each other, that it is causing families to tell …show more content…
An example of this is in the story when it states, “You don’t understand Father, you just don’t understand… It made me nervous to listen to Sam argue with Father.” (7) This shows that the generations are starting to clash because of war. As Mr. Meeker, the older generation is clashing with Sam the younger generation. This shows that the younger generation has different beliefs on war than the parents do. This could lead to families beginning to fight with each other because of this clash. In a quote from the book it states, “Yale students did rush away to get weapons and join the war in 1775.” (214) This shows that the younger generation rushed away from home and are disobeying their parents to go join the war. This also showed that what is happening in the Meeker house is happening in pretty much every house with parents and children. This clash of generations between the older and younger generation is a brutal thing that occurred because of the