National Honor Society Research Paper

Words: 763
Pages: 4

The National Honor Society is one of the most prestigious organizations that high school students around the country can nominated and inducted into during their high school career. This great organization helps people who need help receive help from exemplary students. I am greatly honored by being nominated into this great organization. I only hope to be inducted into this great organization to further continue my aspirations of helping people. Being a part of this organization has been one of my goals to accomplish during my high school tenure because I want to help the needy and the people who do not have all of the luxuries that the ordinary person possess. It is my aspiration to be inducted into the National Honor Society because I want …show more content…
It has also been an aspiration of mine to join this organization because I want to exemplify my qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character through the services I preform with the National Honor Society. I already embrace these qualities by preforming above the minimum requirements and by severing the people of my community not because I have to, but because I want to. I would consider myself a scholar because I love to learn and I also love to further my knowledge and education. This is shown though the courses that I have taken in my high school tenure. I started high school with many college-prep courses and I felt that I did not learn as much so, to further my knowledge and education I started to take all of the honors and advanced classes offered at NBTHS. Currently, I am in all advance classes for my grade level, which is all because of my craving for learning. I also exemplify the quality of service because I have helped people in my community who need it the most, like when I helped out at the soup kitchen. I believe that I am a leader because I let other people’s priorities come before the priorities of myself. Finally, I believe that I have character because people and teachers can distinguish me from other students because of the amount of respect, responsibility, and trustworthiness that I carry within myself. I believe that I should be inducted …show more content…
I want to bring the same affection into the organization because it is crucial if you really want to help someone in society. Many volunteers who volunteer at various places do not care about what they are doing and they are basically only volunteering because it good for college or because they need hours to suffice their school requirement. However, this is a bad practice because you need to care for society for it to become truly better. I want to bring this quality into this chapter of NHS to make this chapter reach its apex. With this quality assimilated into this prestigious organization, more and more members will be recognized as caring and compassionate human beings. I myself want to become a Doctor of Medicine because I want to care for people when they need it the most. I want to give the love and attention to people who need it the most and I want to begin my goal of becoming a doctor by teaching others that caring is that most important thing you can do to another human being. I believe that this will be one of my greatest contributions to this organization as it is one of the most important