Nt1310 Unit 1 Lab Report

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Pages: 3

When comparing experimental lengths and predicted lengths, our I noticed that mostly all of the experimental lengths were close to their predicted length. The only exception was the length at 1 second. This length was not even close to the absolute error. The suspected reason for this is because, in the beginning, our group was not properly swinging the pendulum at the correct time.

When comparing the increasing absolute error and the relative error values, I could not identify any significant pattern. The found values were sometimes higher and sometimes lower. No pattern or meaningful change was identified in our data.

In Graph 1 there is an obvious observation. All the values increase as the period goes up. The predicted, and experimental lengths are very close, and both
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Using the equation we could find the predicted scientific values, and compare them with ours. Our lab used many different lengths and periods; this enabled a comparison with predicted values. With multiple comparisons of raw data are used, you can come to a valid and robust conclusion.

To finish this lab effectively, we could have used more time. Our experimental lengths could have been more accurate with multiple trials. With more time we could have had more certain periods. Finally, with more time you can conduct more trials for stronger evidence.

The process of this lab was well done. However, it could have had more instructions on the procedure of the experimental aspect. It took our group a while to figure out how to measure and time the experiment. This lab was very meaningful because of the comprehension in the swinging and estimating of a pendulum. We can use this information further down the road for bigger, and more complicated labs.
The limitations of this lab included the length of the string, the difference between the ground and hanging point, the width of the measuring area, and the accuracy of stopping the timer at the right