Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment

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Pages: 4

Sarah is a ninth-grade student that has been identified as having a learning disability. Sarah is also an ELL student and was recently dismissed from speech and language services. Sarah has received special education services since 2013, and receives special education services in the general education classroom for 30 minutes 4 days a week. Sarah’s writing goal indicates that by February 2019, when given a writing prompt or assignment, Sarah will be able to organize her writing into two paragraphs (4-5 sentences each) with 2-3 details sentences, containing less than 5 grammatical or mechanical errors. Sarah has many strengths. She is very determined when it comes to completing her work and balancing her social and academic success. Sarah appropriately …show more content…
Sarah continues to need text re-explained, and to reference. She is able to retell/recall the overall mood and differentiate an argumentative essay or documents, however, she continues to struggle to independently answer comprehension questions across a variety of academic settings.
Sarah is happy when she is completing her work in a timely matter, and keeping up in class makes Sarah happy. She also likes to socialize appropriately with her peers, and has many friends in school and appears to demonstrate appropriate social and emotional skills. Sarah becomes upset and easily overwhelmed she falls behind in her classes. Sarah is an ELL student. She speaks both English and Spanish, but this does not impact her education at this time. Primary concerns for Sarah’s communication skills are her reading comprehension deficits, but continues to make improvements.
I have a friendly relationship with Sarah. I like to support/observe Sarah in the classroom from a distance, and only help when it is necessary. As a ninth grader, Sarah should be developing skills that will guarantee success for the rest of her high school career. Sarah doesn’t require a lot of one-on-one attention, and can work successfully when she isn’t distracted