Nt1310 Unit 4 Assignment

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Pages: 7

facts, definitions, and other details to convey his ideas and concepts. He gathered this information from at least one outside source that was related to the topic (Porcelli & Mann, 2012). Student 1 received the rating four out of four (100%) above proficient according to the rubric criteria Elaboration Text Features which stated the following: He included features of informational texts such as pictures, charts, diagrams, and specialized vocabulary to create a piece of writing that appeared scholarly, scientific, or technical. He deliberately placed the features as an effort to further the intent of the piece (Porcelli & Mann, 2012). Student 1 received the rating three out of four (75%) proficient according to the rubric criteria Craft-Consideration of Audience which stated the following: He showed an awareness that peer writers will read and learn from the …show more content…
I supported student 2 during the learning through strategies such as scaffolding and collaborative learning. Additionally, I provided him with questions to answer which prompted him to reflected upon how well he understood each topic and discussion. Student 2 missed eight out of twenty-four points which is a 67% on the assessment. Student 2 met four out of the six Common Core State Standards for the criteria found in the rubric for this assignment. Student 2 received the rating three of four (75%) proficient according to the rubric criteria Structure-Focus/Genre which stated the following: When asked to write an informational text that teaches people important information and ideas about a topic, Student 2 chose a topic in which he had some knowledge and provided interesting information to support the topic (Porcelli & Mann, 2012). Student 2 received the rating three of four (75%) proficient according to the rubric criteria Structure-Organizes Information which stated the following: He divided his larger topic into subtopics. Each subtopic was