Nt1310 Unit 4 Assignment

Words: 835
Pages: 4

“It’s completely safe, he will just do his normal activities, we want a day in a life, nothing else.”

“Are you sure, this is my son we are talking about, I just want tomake sure there will be no side effects before signing the contract.”

“Your son will have no idea anything out of the ordinary is happening.”

“Okay, I'm ready to sign.”

“That’s great Mrs. Peterson, please sign the highlighted areas. The experiment will last only 12 hours but your child will go down into history for being the first human to undergo the mind project, toddler domain. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 8:00.”

Experimental neuroscientist Pam Winston couldn’t stop smiling. She had been working on this project with a few of her colleagues for 14 years. Now the technology was created. It was finally ready to test. They were going to be able to see what a person was thinking, in real time. They were starting with a 1-year-old to find out how a very young brain thinks. After this experiment was published, behavioral scientists and parents would line up around the world to hear Mrs. Winston speak, to buy her books. She imagined that fame and fortune were just a few hours away. The first subject was one from the Peterson family.“The test subject is ready to get started, Mrs. Winston.” said the
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“All of the complicated stuff is in the helmet so as long as it’s on, you are good to go. There is also a live go-pro camera on the helmet so we can see your sons surroundings.” Mrs. Winston said pointing at the small camera. After the helmet was on, Sam was extremely fussy. Once the Peterson’s left, Pam looked at her computer to see if there were any readings of baby Sam’s thoughts. There were.

“NO!!! I want to be held!! Do you no understand that?!” Sam thought. Pam was amazed at how accurate this was, she could see right out of her lab window the parking lot where Mrs. Peterson had put him in his car seat, which he was not happy