Nt1330 Unit 3

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3D Repo is the company that I will be discussing and the technology trend it relates to is cloud computing. It uses aspects of SaaS and IaaS which I will explain below.
Cloud computing is defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.1 Cloud computing allows tools and resources to be retrieved from the internet through web-based tools and applications rather than the traditional method of retrieving from a server. This cloud like structure allows companies to upgrade their software faster and allows employees to work remotely, meaning important information can be accessed without the need for users to be in any specific place. 4
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) – Cloud infrastructure services are self-service models for accessing, monitoring, and managing remote
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When a designer is meeting with a user, they will be discussing the project and how it is taking shape. The user is most likely only able to catch a glimpse of the product when it is being showed to them by the designer, as designers would have access to the latest version of the product. This latest version of the product may not even be stored on the database of the company as it could be stored locally on the designer’s computer. This means that if the user wanted to catch a glimpse of the most recent version of the product, the designer would have to save their current version to the database and then download a read-only version of the product to the user’s computer. Many companies may not even have the ability to display read only projects. Similarly, many users would not have a device capable of viewing a 3D rendered product. This leads to the problem that 3D Repo is solving. 3D Repo allows users to view the latest version of the 3D design on the