Nutrition Essay

Submitted By alking326
Words: 296
Pages: 2

Diet Project Part 3

A. Sodium Intake:

1. Based on a 2000 calorie diet Ms. King’s sodium intake is above the recommended level. She’s consuming 2447 mg of sodium exceeding the recommended amount of 2300 mg, high sodium intake increase Ms. King risk of high blood pressure. 2. Ms. King would benefit from reducing her sodium intake to less than 2300 mg. By reducing her sodium intake she will in return reduce her chances of developing high blood pressure. 3. To work towards Ms. King’s goal of decreasing her sodium intake she should begin by finding out what high-sodium foods to avoid and ways to prepare and serve foods without adding salt or sodium. Ms. King should also get familiar with reading food labels, found on most packaged and processed foods to determine amount of sodium in each serving and whether or not the ingredients include salt or sodium containing compounds like MSG or baking soda.

B. Calcium Intake:

1. Ms. King is not consuming enough calcium. On average her intake of 551 mg is below the recommended amount of 1000 mg. Calcium is a vital element for the health of Ms. King’s bones. When you do not consume enough calcium, your bones become weak. As a result, your body becomes susceptible to diseases like osteoporosis. 2. Ms. King would benefit from increasing her calcium intake to at least 1000 mg. By ensuring that she consumes the recommended amount she will increase her chances of not developing any calcium deficiency