Odysseus As A Leader In Homer's Odyssey

Words: 579
Pages: 3

In Homer's Odyssey, the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, leads a group of Greek soldiers back home from the Trojan War. On their voyage across the Aegean Sea, Odysseus and his men meet many monsters, witches, and other dangers. Out of all men, only Odysseus makes back home safely to Greece. Odysseus is clearly an awful leader because he's selfish and stubborn.

How Odysseus is a selfish leader because the Article ( Cyclops story pg.18) “the next morning, Odysseus a council, Honer said. I want to visit the Cyclops, Odysseus said. But they are monsters, Bendus said.” So after Linish and Bendus try to explain how dangerous a Cyclos id Odysseus still wanted to go to check out the Cyclops. Also in the article, Odysseus had said ( Cire the witch pg.138)