Osmosis Lab Report

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Pages: 4

A lot goes on throughout our body that we don’t know about; many of it is necessary for our survival. One thing that is vital to our existence that happens without our even knowing is osmosis. According to “HyperPhysics” by Georgia State University, osmosis helps bring essential minerals that we need to our body. Without it, we would not get these essential nutrients.
Osmosis is the diffusion of water. The Society of Oxford University Engineers (SOUE) states that osmosis is “the net movement of water from a weaker, less concentrated solution across a selectively permeable membrane, with rejection of solute molecules or ions, to a stronger, more concentrated solution on the other side.” This means that water can move as a weaker concentration through a permeable membrane to the other solution on the other side of the membrane. The smaller the ion channel, the less and smaller particles will come through. If there was a larger ion channel, than more and larger particles would be able to move through the membrane.
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That’s why in this lab we took iodine and starch solutions to see how osmosis would affect these two solutions. One reason we picked these two solutions is because when they come in contact with each other, the mixture turns a dark blue color. So if osmosis works properly, then all of the mixtures will be blue. For example, in one of our beakers, we put an iodine solution in a dialysis tube and submerged it in a starch solution. If our hypothesis is correct, then at the end of 2 days, the starch solution and iodine solution would have turned a dark blue color from having a chemical reaction with each other. The way the chemicals are able to interact with each other is through osmosis. The two solutions go through osmosis to be able to mix with each other. They both go through the permeable membrane and that is when you see the chemical