Outline On Racism

Words: 382
Pages: 2

Camilla Bedoya
Professor Sellers
ENC 1101 – CRN 80930
5 November 2015
Paper 3 Outline
Thesis: I believe understanding the varied backgrounds, from the lower and higher levels of education are the only way students and educators will benefit when studying one degree from another.
I. Introduction
A. Racism has come to be through what people believe and their underlying morals.
II. The Problem: Identify and Demonstrate
A. Racism begins out of a propensity to create racial stereotypes on the foundation of color, race, religion, and nationality.
1. Research shows that teachers assume African American students will fail, which creates an inevitable prediction in which the children live up to the expectation they have been labeled with.
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Black students are played in lower seats, causing them to believe that they are certain to fail.

B. "If teachers across America would arise and make the personal commitment to do something about racism, beginning with their own selves, their eventual impact would, I believe, be tremendous" (Hacker 191).
1. Understanding that speaking about racism means realizing that it does exist, everywhere. Meaning that it in one way or another it influences everyone.
III. The Solution: Evidence
A. Name calling, teasing, verbal abuse: all can be forms of racism, coming from a lack of recognition in culture