Patient Case Summary

Words: 610
Pages: 3

S: Patient was referred to sw student due to patient reporting that he felt depressed. Patient reports feeling depressed because of his health issues. He reports not being able to sleep and worries about being unemployed because he is unable to send money to his children in the Philippines. Patient reports that he has a strained relationship with his kids, due to having a poor relationship with his ex- wife. Patient reports that his children don’t speak to him and refused to be sponsored by him to come to USA as he is a permanent resident. Patient shrugged his shoulders and reported he was depressed because of such situation. O: Patient informs that the mother of his children has a new boyfriend and his children are between the ages of 25, 18 and 15. He reports that he only speaks with his older son as the other two according to patient “have been brainwashed by their mother”. Patient has been out of work for 10 months due to hernia and other health issues. He reports feeling useless and is often restless as he can’t sleep and feels fatigued often. Patient reports having a stable support system as he lives with his parents. …show more content…
He reports that he is ready to start working as he needs to make money to send to his children. Patient was given information for counseling options outside of MAPS but he refused as he stated that he would be okay. Sw student explained that counseling was helpful when dealing with relationship, health issues and work related stress. He stated that he agreed and would think about it. Patient seemed eager to begin working and was referred to Culmore free