Personal Narrative: My Failure In High School

Words: 543
Pages: 3

Ever since I was a little kid I had this horrible fixed mindset. I would always blame others for my failure no matter who it is I would one hundred percent blame it on someone else other than me. As I grew up it became a lot worse, I never wanted to take responsibility for my own actions. Either if was failing a class or just stupid nonsense I could never take responsibility. This continued up to high school. I was just flat out never accountable for my actions until really the middle of 9th grade. Around the time Ms. Egan came along is when I really started to develope this growth mindset where i would sit down and tell myself “ Mark nobody else is responsible for your failure, It's time you stop having this fixed mindset and actually start developing this habit of coming up with a growth mindset.” …show more content…
This has always been a big deal but recently in 9th grade I became more responsible and whenever i would fail a quiz, test, etc I would have a growth mindset and not blame others but myself. I should’ve studied and payed attention in class, not play around and goof off. In 9th grade during the middle of the school year i ended up taking things serious i did my work payed attention be accountable and a self advocate. I even stopped blaming others for failing or even having a bad grade. Unlike before when i would blame my group members for why i had a low grade instead i stopped and actually did my part in projects/work and so my grades went higher and i developed a growth mindset.I started to be responsible and not goofing off nor play around during class. Instead of blaming others for me failing I took responsibility and instead of having a fixed mindset i turned it around into a growth mindset. It’s not perfect im still working on it and sometimes i do end up blaming others for me failing but i still try not to. I’ve improved a lot instead of before and i'm proud of