Personal Statement: Is Golf A Sport

Words: 637
Pages: 3

Is Golf a Sport? Have you ever watched a whole round of Golf? Most people have never watched a round because they get too bored of it. Most people also don’t pay much attention to them because it does not seem too hard to play and they even say Golf is not a real sport. Myself on the other hand believe golf is a real sport and a really tough one to play also. The reason I believe golf is a real sport is because it requires physical exertion, coordination, and is recognized by athletic departments as a sport. If you think golf isn’t a real sport, try playing an 18-hole course without a golf cart. “Professional tournaments have four round of 18 holes, which would be 4,904 calories burned over four days.” That’s well over the amount of calories burned in four days to meet your needed daily exercise. Just the walking alone is roughly four to five miles depending on the course. If you don’t have a caddy then you will have to carry your own bag of clubs the whole course and golf bags usually weigh from thirty to fifty pounds. “On average, golfing without a cart burns about 360 calories per hour compared to 364 calories per hour spent curling, or 345 doing gymnastics, and 273 bowling.” Golf requires more physical exertion than other activities that people consider to be good exercise. …show more content…
“The golf swing uses at least 17 muscle groups in the coordinated movements of the hands, wrists, arms, abdomen, and legs according to a study in the BMJ (British Medical Journal).” This is key to a golf swing because if just one of those muscle groups is messed up in your swing you can slice your ball out of play or possibly miss the ball completely. “Playing golf at a professional level requires athletic ability to walk long distances and hit long drives with consistent depth and aim.” The average person can’t even hit a ball let alone play a full round while walking the whole