Personality, Biological, And Social Cognitive Theory

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Pages: 4

Personality is composed of characteristics or qualities that define an individual. There are various people who have different personalities, behaviors, and emotions that evolve from biological and environmental factors. There are various theories that view personalities differently, such as Trait Approach, Biological Approach, and Social Cognitive Theory. There are many personality assessors you can participate in, in order to find out the type of personality and different characteristics you may have. I participated in the Big Five Inventory, 16Personalities, and the Jungian Personality Type Test. My results for each test were similar. These three assessments told me that I have an extraverted personality. “Extraversion people are very …show more content…
The biological bases of behavior are neuroticism and extraversion. Neuroticism is the detection of error/response to emotional and physical pain. High neuroticism corresponds with high sensitivity to emotions and physical pain. Extraversion determines how well you respond to reward system. The Big Five Inventory test I participated in showed I scored very high in extraversion and neuroticism. I consider myself to be a sensitive person and respond well to a reward system. For example, last semester I strived to make Dean’s List and receive that certificate and because of that, I studied more, attended every class and finally made Dean’s List for the first time. The Biological Approach is based off of our genetics. “Biochemical imbalances can affect behavior” (The Biological Approach, 2018). Neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are the key players that effect our mood, memory, and alertness. Serotonin and Norepinephrine effects neuroticism. Dopamine effects extraversion. The Behavior Approach is the “only approach in psychology that examines thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a biological and thus physical point of view” (McLeod, S., …show more content…
This theory states “children were more likely to repeat behaviors they had seen other children their age does, although they might model adults as well” (Social Cognitive Theory, 2018). Reward also can strengthen someone’s behavior. Reward is motivation for a person to behave a certain way. Social-Cognitive Theory is a cycle between behavior, internal factors, and external factors; according to Bandura’s Reciprocal Determinism Model. The three factors of the model influence each other, reciprocal determinism. Reciprocal determinism is “external determinants of behavior, such as rewards and punishments, and internal determinants, such as beliefs, thoughts, and expectations, are part of a system of interacting influences that affect not only behavior but the various parts of the system as well” (Burger, J. M., 2014). The 16Personalities assessment I took said my personality type is protagonist. The test said I was 54% extraversion, I react well in social environments. I think that is because while growing up, I would see how other children and adults interacted with each other. Till this day I continue to observe people’s behavior. For instance, a couple of my friends are very smart and tend to make good grades. I try to model their behaviors and their study habits to see if I get a similar reward, such as good