Persuasive Essay About Taking Risks

Words: 790
Pages: 4

“Risks, I like to say, always pay off. You learn what to do or what not to do.” is a heart-warming quote by Jonas Salk. Which leads me to taking chances. In complete and utter honesty, you can’t live life to the fullest without taking a few risks every once in awhile. Jonas Salk was an American physician and medical researcher who developed the first safe and effective vaccine for polio. Therefore, he had to take a lot of chances. In 1947, Salk took a position at University of Pittsburgh, where he began conducting research on polio, also known as infantile paralysis. By 1951, Salk had determined that there were three distinct types of polio viruses and was able to develop a "killed virus" vaccine for the disease. The vaccine used polio viruses that had been grown in a laboratory and then destroyed.Preliminary testing of the polio vaccine began in 1952 - the shot given mostly to children. National testing expanded over the next two years, making it one of the largest clinical trials in medical history. Roughly 1.8 million children were given the vaccine during the test phase. In 1953, Salk administered the …show more content…
Although there is a chance that taking a risk can end badly, you'll never know if there could have been some really great outcomes too! And I don't know about you, but the constant question of "what could have happened?" always nags at me if I don't take the chance. Speaking of nagging, have you ever missed out on taking a chance and experienced that nagging feeling of regret? I know I have felt this unpleasant pang of regret one too many times. Although it can be comforting to take the safe side once in awhile, I always end up regretting not finding out what could have happened. The feeling is not one that I find pleasant, so I like to take all of the chances that come my way. This way, I know that even if the situation ends badly, I found out what could have