Essay on Political Science 101

Submitted By adamarmolea
Words: 2288
Pages: 10

The Lost Boys Perspective versus an American Perspective Cultural influences play a tremendous role in the way the human brain works and perceives the world. The social cloud or atmosphere that a child grows up in evokes certain traits and global views. Clara Moskowitz, a news reporter for NBC, reported on some scientific studies done by MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research saying, “It’s no secret culture influences your food preferences and taste in music. But now scientists say it impacts the hard-wiring of your brain. New research shows that people from different cultures use their brains differently to solve basic perceptual tasks” (Moskowitz) These alterations in early childhood and opinions of the people around you can create a huge barrier between your social views and those of someone living on the opposite side of the globe. Sudan is the largest African nation and has a population around 34 million people. Since it gained its independence from Great Britain in 1956, it has been facing racial oppression, genocide, and slavery. The Dinka tribe in the south was one of the main targets of the Arab government from the north and created a huge displacement of the tribes in Southern Sudan. Over 27,000 young boys from the ages of four and twelve ran from the terror in Sudan to surrounding countries such as Ethiopia, Egypt, and Kenya as refuge, leaving behind most of the girls who were left in the villages cooking and cleaning when the tribes were being attacked. This resulted in them being killed, raped, or kidnapped to be sold as slaves. The journey to the surrounding countries wasn't an easy one and killed off many young boys. They had to face the dangers of the African wildlife, harsh weather conditions, extreme dehydration, hunger, and even the government troops. They faced all these dangers at such a young age without having any means of communication with the rest of their families or even knowing if they were still alive. In the United States, the purpose of government is clearly stated in the opening preamble to our Constitution. “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty…” But are these reasons for government really what the typical American believes? Due to corrupt politicians and varying views on certain political topics, many Americans have a negative first response to the thought of government. They would prefer if the government let them live their lives without interfering as a threat to their individual freedoms. Looking at the purpose of government from a global standpoint however reveals that as Americans, we expect our government to be responsible for an incredible amount of social and economic problems. For example, “71% of Americans believe that the government has an important or essential responsibility for seeing to it that anyone who wants a job can have one. 63% believe that the government has an important or essential responsibility to provide citizens with adequate housing; and 78% of us think that the government has an important or essential responsibility to provide citizens with good medical care” (Amy). Yes, Americans complain a lot about how the government is ran, but in reality have a deep appreciation and support for the government. On the other hand, the Lost Boys view government very differently since their government isn't providing them with the same lives that our government provides for us. Their government is a danger to them and something that they must avoid at all costs. The troops aren’t there to protect them like in America. Even though the young boys had never seen a Muslim, their father warns them, “Some of the Muslims are traitors from Dinka tribes; they speak the way we do. […]. But when people come out of their hiding places, the traitors laugh and say, ‘You are called by your