Promoting Vaccinations In Children

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Promoting Vaccinations in Children
In the past incidents of viruses such as the mumps, and whooping cough were thought to be a thing of the past. Viruses such as these were eradicated with a vaccine years ago, so why are we seeing a rise in them again? In the state of Arkansas there are currently 1,240 cases of the mumps being investigated (Mumps, 2016). Most of these cases are from the North-West Arkansas area but cases are slowly spreading all over the state. Arkansas requires the children age 1 year receive a dose of MMR, and then a second dose at age four to six, yet cases of the mumps are still occurring. The rise in this problem seems to stem back to parents choosing not to vaccinate their children. With this occurring it makes a child
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A parent can choose not to vaccinate their child due to spiritual beliefs or for a medical reason if there is proof from a physician that this is necessary (Vaccinations, 2011). A major myth regarding all vaccinations, especially the MMR vaccine in general is that they cause autism. Many parents choose not to have their child vaccinated for this very reason. Although, research has proven that the vaccination alone does not cause Autism. Multiple studies have now identified symptoms of autism in children before they receive a vaccine. Further, more recent research provides proof that autism develops in utero well before a baby is born and far before the child receives any vaccinations (Vaccine Myths Debunked, 2016). Many genetic factors play a role in the development of autism. Another myth regarding vaccinations is that a child or more specifically an infant has too weak of an immune system. This is not true and is why there are certain age requirements that must be met prior to a child receiving a vaccination. This is also why they do not give a vaccine if the child has been showing any signs of a weakened immune system (Vaccine Myths Debunked, 2016). It is so important to educate parents on vaccination information, and the recent outbreak of the mumps confirms …show more content…
There is a huge need in our community today, to educate people on vaccinations so we do not see a rise in more outbreaks. While searching through the Arkansas Department of Health website I did not find information regarding myths in the commonly asked questions section. Many parents need to be properly educated about what the positivity of the vaccine and that it does far more good than harm. I found a timeline of when to get what vaccinations and how to become “exempt”, along with adverse effects to watch for regarding vaccines (Vaccinations, 2011). Along with the Arkansas Department of Health website and the CDC website it would be very helpful if there were community wide programs to educate people on this rising