Psychodynamic Theory

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Pages: 4



Psychodynamic and Humanistic Modalities
PSYC 6153
Yorkville University
Alanna Sampson

Question 1 One of the five postulates of contemporary psychodynamic theory identified by Westen (1998) is that personality patterns begin in childhood, and childhood experiences play an important role in personality development. Westen (1998) outlines that these early experiences help to form the way we will interact in future relationships. Psychodynamic therapists outline that our personality is formed by our caregivers and the interactions that we experience from infancy to adulthood (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). In studying early life
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Adler proposed that early recollections uncover pieces of personality that give us insight in the person?s motivation (Bitter & Nicoll, 2000). These insights allow individuals to set goals and be cognizant of harmful areas that may affect their lives so that they may set goals during counseling sessions that apply to their current life. In accepting that the past can affect the present, the client may realize that it is possible to learn the source of their motivations and attempt to impact a desired change (Maniacci, Sackett-Maniacci, & Mosak, 2014). Alderian philosophy is grounded in a positivity that clients are able to change and strengths are highlighted. Areas for growth are part of a positive …show more content…
We can attempt to identify Jung?s psychological types and use this knowledge to learn more about personality and behavior. This will allow clients to better understand why they think and act in the way that they do, and why they might not get along with other individual. It may also helps clients identify traits that they would like to remedy in treating a issue they are struggling with. In this type of therapy, the client investigates their experiences and uses that understanding to maintain their independence and develop successfully (Belangee,