Puerto Rico Essay

Words: 582
Pages: 3

1) What was the first object that grabbed your attention in the exhibit and why? Identify and describe it. Give a sense of its significance broader context of the exhibit.
The first object that had me interested was the set of AK-47 guns display on purple with a sigh says HEALTH, FOOD, HOUSING and EDUCATION. I believe each of these words are present an organization’s goal of the Young Lords during this political period. The guns are for political purposes to protect themselves from the police brutality against Latinos, especially Puerto Rican men. The picture shows that people in the U.S and as poor as Puerto Rican.
2) The exhibit organized around specific themes. Identify two of the themes of the exhibit. How is the theme you selected important
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The Young Lords doesn’t support of Colonialism and Capitalism because they believe that these two systems used the native people and their homeland for their own profit. They were for Puerto Rico independence. During the Feminism period, woman demands for equality for themselves because for so long they understood the limitation women have been facing due to the face of jobs opportunity, education and politics. They believe they could be as good as men and get more involved
3) Identify two objects for each of the themes you identify above. What store foes each of the objects convey and how does advance understanding of the young lords and the theme you selected.
Puerto Rican’s flag picture is presenting Nationalism. I believe this photo was taking by the Young lords showing their anger toward the U.S because in one photo the Puerto Rican’s flag was standing and waving but the U.S flag was on the ground. This photo shows that Puerto Rican people are serious about their independence and they don’t support U.S policy through colonization and simply have no respect for the U.S.
For the Feminism, there was a picture of Puerto Rican women behind bars, I believe these women are living in the U.S and have joined the feminist movement. It helps me understand that U.S is trying to prevent women of color to pursuing their