Quiet: The Power Of Introverts, By Susan Cain

Words: 582
Pages: 3

Article for The Guardian:

Introverts’ overlooked abilities

In her TED talk “The power of introverts” in February 2012 Susan Cain speaks about the typical characteristics of introverts and how they and their role in the community are experienced by the society. She is former corporate lawyer, negotiations consultant and Chief Revolutionary and Co-Founder of the website “Quiet Revolution” (http://www.quietrev.com/).

Cain considers herself as an introvert. First she denied her intuition and tried to adapt to our extrovert society. ”This is what many introverts do”, Susan deplores. But according to her, this is a great loss for the community because introverts are best in creativity and leadership and those abilities are essential. But mostly introverts are skipped when it comes to leading positions.

In her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Susan Cain remarks that “a third to a half of
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In the 20th century developed a “culture of personality” which means that magnetism and charisma are qualities that are getting more important.

Cains’s appeal to all people is to give introverts more freedom to be themselves. So they can come up with their unique solutions to problems.

As a conclusion, Susan Cain gives three propositions for a better interactive society:

1.) It would be necessary to suppress the constant group work and establish more freedom and privacy at work and in school.

2.) From time to time it can be life-enhancing for everyone to have a look on the proper inside.

3.) Introverts should have the heart to share their ideas with other people, the same applies to extroverts. So every person can benefit and contribute her or his best to the