Racial Differences In America

Words: 910
Pages: 4

The word “racial difference” in our American culture still divides us to this day and is being seen as a negative connotation. The way we appear to others can have an impact on our life chances and can turn our lives upwards or downwards. In addition, depending on how people see each other, they can have emotions intact with how they will behave around them. As we think on a broader scale, our society sometimes sees “racial difference” as unacceptable or wrong, which can tear apart a community. As a community, we need to re-educate one another on valuing racial differences between people groups and the best place to start is at schools, with our next generation. Schools in America are so diverse now, that is hard to ignore the differences. But as a society, over the years we have built the logic to ignore differences and to not to embrace it. However, America was called for a reason, “melting pot,” so let us live up to it and embrace our differences. In order to accomplish this, as a society, we need to …show more content…
All these groups bringing with them their own beliefs, perspectives and values. These immigrants brought in new ideas and ways to art, science, math, appliances, and many more, which helped spur America’s economy increasingly at that time. Nevertheless, we do not recognize or acknowledge with respect to those specific people who contributed to the economy. We just glance over the information. This is where the problem lies; we are not fully educated in our history, even though we call ourselves, “land of immigrants,” we only know the surface. The need to be re-educated in knowing that this country is founded on racial differences is so important because that is how America has come to be. We must recognize the “different hands” that laid the bricks to this country, where also plays a part in writing the history and culture of this