Recess In Middle School

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Lately, many Middle schools have taken away recess for reasons like too many students are getting hurt, or there’s not enough time for it, this may be true but there are good reasons to have recess. Middle Schools should have recess because it gives the brain a break, 2. It lets kids talk with friends,3. It can facilitate learning. This does not mean schools should always have recess, for example If students are bad in class. Recess allows kids to talk with each other. I know this because according to the article “ Do you Need Recess?“ by Mackenzie Carro It says “Kids could perfect new jump rope tricks, catch up with friends” pg 30 first section. This quote supports my claim because recess allows kids to talk with friends. As you can see, recess allows kids to talk with each other. …show more content…
This quote supports my claim because research shows that recess can help learning. As you can see, recess can help