Research Paper On Why School Should Start Later

Words: 703
Pages: 3

I am against school starting later Do you think school should start later? About 75% of people in the world don't think so. This article might change your mind. "Beep" Beep" Beep", 5 days week you hear this sound. You wish getting up was as easy as going to bed. When you first wake up you feel devastated but,when your all ready you actually feel good and fresh. Sometimes kids feel tired at school is because some kids don't eat breakfast. That's the most important meal of the day. Some kids are tired because they don't eat breakfast. Kids get home later and start complaining and that's devastating is that. Your kids will also be awake for so long doing school work. Parents also have to go to work late and that wouldn't be fair. Also Benjamin Franklin said, Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise". The earlier you go to bed kids don't have to worry about being so tired in the morning. …show more content…
If not this might. If school started later that means you have to come home later and kids already complain about how late they get home. When you get home late, you don't have time to do after school activities,finish homework and even eat dinner. When kids get home early that can fit all of those things and vein have extra free time to do whatever you want.
In an article I read by Justin O'Neill (pg.21) he said, "it could also cut your family dinner time",and he is correct. It can also give you stress if kids don't get things that are important