Romeo And Juliet-Pardoned Or Punished?

Words: 432
Pages: 2

Pardoned or Punished? “He jests with scars that never felt a wound” (2.2.1). The quote means like he doesn't feel the pain he doesn't care all are left with scars. How it relates to my thesis is that they didn't care. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence, Nurse, and Lord Capulet should be punished. Friar Lawrence should be punished. One reason is that he knew that Juliet would do anything for Romeo and he helped her fake her death and all turns out that she kills herself, he could have saved her from her actually dying if he didn't help her with this plan and told someone about it she could still be awake. For example, he says “And this distilling liquor drink thou off”(4.1.95) Second reason is that the wedding