Rosie The Riveter Thesis

Words: 395
Pages: 2

Rosie the Riveter

Rosie the Riveter wasn't just any woman; she was known to be one of the most iconic people ever to represent the work time and risked herself for many other women.

In the year of 1940-1945 the workforce increased from 27% to 37% as many women decided to replace men in the workspace. Many women decided to go into the defense industries. In the year of 1943, the United States aircraft hired approximately 310,000 women.

Rosie the riveter campaign had many ideas to encourage women to have jobs. The high wage idea gave women the thought of they would get a big check if they started working. The "glamour of work" gave women the idea that working was feminine and fashionable. The "similar to housework" gave women that factory